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        1. < 返回 浙江?寧波市城市展覽館 2020年01月06日




          它位于新建成的“寧波東部新城”的中心,毗鄰市政廳和市民廣場(chǎng)。寧波城市規劃展覽中心不僅僅是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的展示空間。其目標是在新區創(chuàng )造一個(gè)有吸引力的、無(wú)障礙的公共空間,從而促進(jìn)市民和決策者之間的對話(huà)。


          It is located at the heart of the newly built “Ningbo East-ern New Town” adjacent to the city hall and the civic square. The Ningbo Urban Planning Exhibition Center is supposed to be more than just a simple presentation space. The goal was to create an engaging, accessible public space in the new district, and thereby foster the dialogue between citizens and decision-makers.





          To emphasize the role of the center as a public venue, it has been developed as a continuation of the surrounding waterfront landscape and is, therefore, an integral part of the public park. Connecting pathways, bridges and streets have been woven into a topography leading to the many entrances of the building. The boundary between the park and the building has been blurred. 



          寧波市陶瓷生產(chǎn)歷史悠久。所謂的陶瓷之路就是從這里開(kāi)始的。在整個(gè)文明史上,這座城市在陶瓷的國內和國際貿易中扮演著(zhù)重要的角色。也就是說(shuō),釉面陶瓷的使用不僅僅是對寧波當地傳統的一種致敬;建筑的紋理釉面陶瓷也創(chuàng )造了周?chē)坝^(guān)的短暫反射。這些反射以不同的強度,根據一天中的時(shí)間、季節和天氣,使立面充滿(mǎn)活力。


          The City of Ningbo has a rich history of ceramic production. It was here that the so-called Ceramic Road began. The city played an important role in the national and international trade of ceramics throughout the civilization’s history. That said, the use of glazed ceramics is not simply an homage to the local traditions of Ningbo; the building’s textured glazed ceramics also create ephemeral reflections of the surrounding landscape. These reflections animate the facade with varying intensity depending on the time of day, season, and weather. 



          展廳主要分布在大樓的三層和四層。一樓和二樓提供了各種各樣的公共空間,包括餐廳、圖書(shū)館、閱覽室、會(huì )議區、兒童教育和操場(chǎng)、教室以及一個(gè)大型多功能活動(dòng)大廳。屋頂上還有一家咖啡館,可以直接從風(fēng)景區進(jìn)入,咖啡館邀請游客放松身心,欣賞周?chē)鞘械拿谰啊?/span>


          The exhibition halls are mainly allocated on the third and fourth floors of the building. The first and second floors offer a large variety of public spaces, including a restaurant, library and reading space, meeting areas, a children’s education and playground, classrooms, as well as a large multi-purpose event hall. On the roof, which is also directly accessible from the landscape, a café invites visitors to relax and enjoy the views of the surrounding city.





          It was never the intention to demonstrate the capabilities of digital tools by means of this project. Nevertheless, this building couldn’t have been designed, developed, produced and built without the help of cutting-edge digital technology. In order to cope with the complexity of the spatial allocation and coordination of the structure, curtainwall, secondary structure, and ceramic skin a tailor-made computer script had to be coded. The script automatically generated a 3D model of the structure and facade, as well as production drawings for the respective contractors.
















          地點(diǎn):浙江省 寧波市





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